Лаборатория Физико-химии мембранных процессов
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Material authority, development and support of experimental scientific research base

  1. The method of gas phase fluorination of Matimide 5218 for polymeric films and hollow fibers by F2 /He gas mixture at F2 concentration 2-10% has been developed. The Matrimide hollow fibers ( diameter-4*10-4 m, thickness of selective layer-5* 10-7 m) are prapared in Twente University, the Netherlands
    Prof. V.V.Teplyakov,
    Dr. D.A.Syrtsova.
  2. The method of surface modification of polyanilyne (PANy) on polyvyniltrimethilsilane has been developed( in coopiration with lab.26). The composite membrane with thickness of selective layer of PANy 0.1- 1 mkm have beeb prepeared and gas permeability coefficients were measured.
    Prof. V.V.Teplyakov,
    Dr. D.A.Syrtsova.
  3. The permeability of gases and ligh hydrocarbones throuth polyallyldimethylsilane based membranes on ceramic support is study (in cooperation with lab.23)
    Prof. V.V.Teplyakov.
  4. The permeability of organic vapours (acethone, toluene, methylene chloride) and warter vapoures at vapoure activity 0.05-0.8 throuth polytrimethylpropyne, polyphosfasene, modifed polymethylsiloxane films were study. The non lineal dependences of permeabilites on vapore activity have been receaved.
    Prof. V.V.Teplyakov,
    Dr. D.A.Syrtsova.
  5. The unique setups for gas selective peremability measurements (P, D, S, EP, ED, и ΔHS) by differential peremability method have been developed. The gas chromatography equipment for permeability analysys is used. The gas separation parameters for polymeric films, flat sheet membranes and hollow fibers including lab-scale membrane modules can be studed. Measurements can be carred out at 1-20 atm and at 20-250 oC. This technique is computerized and the special developed software for processing and storage of data are used.
    Prof. V.V.Teplyakov,
    Dr. D.A.Syrtsova.