Лаборатория Физико-химии мембранных процессов
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Vyacheslav Zhmakin presented an oral report "Gas separation polymeric membranes for xenon recovery" (co-authors Markova S.Yu., Shalygin M.G.) and a poster presentation "The potential of vapor-phase membrane separation of organic components from biomass treatment products" (co-authors Kozlova A.A., Shalygin M.G., Netrusov A.I., Teplyakov V.V.) in the Anniversary International Conference "EuroMembrane 2022" (https://www.euromembrane2022.eu/), dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the European Membrane Society (EMS) (https://www.emsoc.eu/), whose first president for 20 years was Prof. Enrico Drioli.